Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009


Molly was very perky today for the most part. There are times that she starts to cry and start feeling depressed. We are trying to keep her out of that.
She said her arms feel like lead today. We worked physical therapy (simple stuff) about three or four times today. When I bend her foot (toes toward her shin) I get a muscle reaction. Don't know what it means but it feels good.
I made Molly exercise more today with her right arm. She is pretty good at moving it towards her but can't get much of an outward movement. We're so proud of her working hard.

Her breathing continues to improve. She is leaving the oxygen off more and more. The pulmonary (sp?) doctor says she is making great progress.

Her temp is now down to a steady 101.3. So much better than the 104.7 couple of nights ago.

Dr Kumar, who was one of the neurologist in surgery, came by to talk to Molly today. Molly has decided that her definition of total recovery is different from the good Dr.
He stated that her brain is good, her lungs are making a full recovery and other organs are in good shape. But he still does not hold out much for her arms and legs working well in the future. Molly says she wants to be walking and holding Chace again. She further stated that she did not have to run that marathon she was thinking about nor being a sprint champion. There are other important things in life.

Nurse says that with a day or more improvement, she will be taken out of ICU.

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