Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24, 2009

I received a call from a man today, COO of a Fortune 500 company. We have a mutual friend; he stated that he was calling me as a father to a father. The obligatory "if there is anything I can do, call me" was not there; there was only heart felt expressions of care for my family.

I was touched again when a man and wife brought a meal to my family today. It was a lovely home cooked meal (really, really good!!!) and certainly appreciated.
Another friend came by, several called, more e-mailed. One initiated an action within an organization and prayer chains. My brother called from Georgia, his church wants to do something specific which I welcomed also. Another friend and previous neighbor helped me put this blog together.

My point is this... MY FAMILY COULD NOT MAKE IT WITHOUT YOU! FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS I thank you, our support. This will be a marathon of many months, perhaps years, and we appreciate you.

Although Molly is not moving her limbs today, she feels better. There is a pain she can not endure for long without her meds, but she ate a meal for the first time tonight. Although we would not even call it a snack, it was a big step in my thinking. It was an attitude shift, a cognizance that it is time to start to work on the marathon.


  1. Marathon is a fitting description. The miles lie in front of you, there are goals to achieve and many are routing for you. Marleen

  2. We are praying for you all as you are on this journey. Our God is a BIG God! Keep your eyes focused on Him. Bryan & Amy Cannon

  3. Molly, we are thinking of you and praying for you with each moment! Many of our churches are praying for you and following your recovery!

    Love, all of your friends from Doris and Larry's Memorial Day party
