Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Prayer requested

I let my guard down.

As soon as the post went up titled "A Good Week", I should have know that the enemy would attack. And he did.

Molly's hemoglobin dropped to the low 7's yesterday morning. She is passing blood. Not sure why. She was to take two units of blood yesterday; first unit went well but she had a reaction to the second unit and it had to be stopped.

Today she went down to the PT area to be fitted in a new power chair that has been arranged for her (pink of course). During the fitting, she almost passed out and had to be returned to her room. Also during the "fitting", in total innocence, the wheelchair rep was saying things like "in years to come", etc... I think this also led to depression that she was experiencing the rest of the day.

She is currently taking more units of blood. I think the Drs have found the reason for the blood loss, but I'm in the dark at this moment.

Our prayer request is that the reason for bleeding will be stopped and that Molly will regain a positive attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Tommy, just wanted you to know that your friends at Lake Carroll are praying for Molly and your entire family. Even today before I read your post, we had prayer for her in our staff prayer time. Our prayer is that God performs a miracle in her body and her life. We are agreeing with you for daily progress and a good mental attitude to go along with that.

    Love you guys!
    Sandy Garcia
